As I will set out to show, getting to the issue of what design education needs to become requires a passage through three determinate contexts. The first is to acknowledge that the world we humans have created is broken (by us for us). The second is to place design education within the framework of higher education (as a broken servant of a now broken institution). And the third passage seeks to grasp the changing nature of what design now is as elemental to the broken and as an agent of breaking

A Broken World

World as evoked here is the locus of our being and those conditions that must be sustained in order for us to exist. It is the Anthropocene – the world-within-the-world of human creation that continually designs human beings. World is plural, not singular. Of course, we humans not only live in the world-within-the-world but equally in the biophysical world of our animality – our first and last condition of being.

In our “dwelling in the world”, we all occupy ecologies of mind, image and dislocated exchange (misnamed as consumption). What in fact human beings do is mostly to expend the use/functional and aesthetic value of things and then abandon them. Thus, not only are the things themselves broken but also so is that metabolic process of transformation – effective the process of consumption becomes arrested. If things were actually consumed, there would be no problem, but mostly they are not. The word, the economic category, lies.

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