an analog girl [deep] in a digital world.

5w4: to compile and categorize all my thoughts, findings, and overflow somewhere

There are easter eggs all over and rabbit holes to fall into my second brain, here (you’re in it right now)

And my www, here →

I write on substack, do subscribe → @koefka

You can reach me

This moment is love. I am infinite. I am loving awareness. – Ram Dass


No one will take the time to know yourself more than yourself take the conscious choice to journey on a guided path.

<aside> <img src="/icons/cursor-click_gray.svg" alt="/icons/cursor-click_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Make your Luck.


What this mind palace is?

[deep] in the meadow

Listen Better

Every Second Counts

A Manifesto

The Invitation

The Cult of DONE

Numeral Scrabble

policy alignment


Awareness and love, loving awareness, is the soul. If you dive deep enough into your soul, you will come to God. … In Greek it’s called agape, God love. Martin Luther King, Jr., said about this agape, this higher love: “It’s an overflowing love which is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless and creative … the love of God operating in the human heart.”

Loving Awareness


<aside> <img src="/icons/run_gray.svg" alt="/icons/run_gray.svg" width="40px" /> : website substack


<aside> ©️ 𓆏 Koë
